Church Events


One of the greatest reflections of Christ’s love is marriage. It is our pleasure to unite spiritual persons in Holy Matrimony, or in vow renewals. Our pastoral staff would be honored to assist you in making your wedding ceremony a truly memorable event, with Gods blessing. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready – Revelations 19:7


We believe in observing certain spiritual milestones in the lives of people who seek God. The decision to appeal to God for his grace and to begin a new life with Jesus Christ. Baptism is a way of celebrating this important decision. We want you to be informed about the biblical meaning of baptism. As a church it gives us great pleasure to celebrate your baptism with you, as a symbol of a spiritual change that has happened in your life. ▪ And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. – Mark 1:4


The loss of a loved one is difficult. If you need counseling, services or would like to speak with the pastor, please don’t hesitate. We are here to help. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. – Matthew 5:4

Annual Events

  • Tree lighting on Ashby Common The Ashby Community gathers at the gazebo for this illuminating ceremony. A beef stew dinner follows the lighting at the Congregational Church.
  • Children’s Sunday. Our children are an integral part of our church and this service allows the children of the congregation to lead the adults in service.
  • Christmas Pageant. Our children act out stories and verses from the bible and perform songs. This is one of our favorite Christmas activities.
  • Candlelight service on Christmas Eve. A long standing tradition for the church that commemorates the Nativity of our God with the vigil service for Christmas.
  • Easter Sunrise Service. This is a joint service with the Unitarian church to witness the sunrise together. Signifying the empty tomb and Jesus Christ’s resurrection.